Wildflowers and herbs.

A space to return to Nature

Decorative Branches Frame Illustration
Hand Drawn Hummingbird



Rustic Horoscope Eye
Wildflowers and herbs.

& invite in deep remembrance

Who I aM & The Wider VIsion

Hi, I am Satya Majors.

Born and raised in Colorado, I live in the Sacred Valley, Peru where I am blessed to move through life at a slower pace, surrounded by the beauty of Nature and a culture that remembers that Spirit animates all. I am a clinical herbalist, a 500-hour yoga teacher, and a transformational space-holder. Beyond these labels, I am simply a child of this Earth… as are you.

One of the wounds I feel I entered into this lifetime with is a felt-sense of “not belonging” or wanting to “return to where I came from.” I think there is a small part in many of us that carry this same longing… this longing to return to Truth, to return to something that feels more connected, to return to a space that feels like HOME. Deep down we remember that we are nature, and nature is us. We long to live interconnected with all of life. There is a part of us that sees past the illusion of separation we are often confronted with in the modern world, and understands that it is in our nature to be in sacred communion with the land… To see ourselves reflected in the plants, the trees, the flowers, the mountains, the stones, the rivers, and the long lineage of love and wisdom that is embedded within it all.

Many of us have an experience that “initiates” us into this return to Nature and deep remembrance. For me, this initiation came in the form of chronic illness. Nearly a decade long journey with an undiagnosed case of Chronic Lyme Disease is what brought me back to the Earth. When my body and the world felt like it was too much to hold, I found myself held in the warm embrace of Mother Earth. I took peace and comfort in the presence of plant beings who always seemed to understand me… and not just the “me” in this present-moment-unfolding sense, but the “wider-me” who also understands and sees clearly. I turned to Nature as my teacher and my guide through this confusing, challenging experience that was unfolding within me.

Nature only reflects back truth to us. I think that is why when we are in the depths of despair, lost on how to move forward, beyond the minds capacity to think its way through, we are brought to our knees. We come down to the Earth. We bow down, empty ourselves, and seek support from a web of connection that is so much wider than we can comprehend. When we are here, we start to remember. We can feel the support of Earth. We can feel Spirit. We can feel the presence of our ancestors, our guides, and our allies who are here to support us.

The intention behind this offering of Satya Holistics & Wisdom Keepers is to encourage us to live life in a sacred way where this feeling of remembrance is always alive. We don’t need an experience to bring us to our knees; we can simply do so with humility and gratitude. We can choose to live life with an open heart and open eyes. We can choose to consciously see magic and receive support from the wider-world.

I have found so much more than health and healing on my journey with plant spirits, herbal medicine, and yoga… I have found myself. This journey of coming home again and again to ME and the beauty of this animate, alive Earth is what keeps me walking this path.

The plants are here for us… if we invite them in. Are you ready to open this portal of remembrance?

Mortar of medicinal herbs, healthy plants, bottle of tincture or infusion. Top view. Herbal medicine.

Holistic Health Consultation

Online from anywhere in the world or in-person in the Sacred Valley, Peru

A holistic health consultation is an in-depth look at patterns of dis-ease playing out in the body that take the wholeness of your being into consideration- mind, body, spirit, and Nature.

Whether you are experiencing digestive distress, nervous system disruptions, pain, inflammation, mood imbalances, skin disturbances, acute/chronic illness or anything else-

The goal of this session is to address symptoms expressing on the surface AND to look beyond them to uncover the root cause of the imbalance. Together, we ask the question “why?” and examine the body as an ecosystem.

We will work with herbal therapy, diet, and lifestyle adjustments to bring the body back into harmony.

From a vitalist perspective, our body always has our best interest at heart. Sometimes the body just needs extra support and guidance in doing its job more efficiently, or for us to simply “get out of the way” & learn to listen more deeply to its needs.

Cultivating peace, harmony, vitality, and comfort in your body IS possible.

Contour drawing of gypsophila paniculata.

Sliding Scale Pricing: $55-105 (200-400sol)

Calendula Officinalis.
Hand Drawn Hummingbird

Initial consultations take between 1-2 hours. Follow ups generally take an hour.

Price includes session, health plan, and occasional support between sessions. The cost of medicine is not included.

Reach out today to begin your wellness journey & fill out your intake form

Assortment of Dried Tea Herbs in Wooden Boxes

“In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.”

-Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Flower and Leafy Branch Drawing
Flower and Leafy Branch Drawing

A refelction from a Holistic Health Consultation Client

Satya is a radiant soul- as wise & gentle as the remedies she prescribes...

Her personal journey with chronic illness, notably with Lyme, has clearly been a master teacher for her. Being receptive to the teachings that Lyme has offered her, Satya too is now treading the path of mastery.

Satya’s approach is both holistic and compassionate. Her non-invasive & patient approach to relating to and to understanding her client’s needs is refreshing. I was immediately at ease with her. I felt as if I were speaking with a dear old friend.

Illness of any kind can be overwhelming. There is a myriad of protocols & advice to be found as there are health practitioners; the reason I appreciated the way Satya immediately broke things down for me:

After listening attentively to my story, she presented essential information concerning Lyme disease in simple and digestible portions. Calmly and slowly, she proceeded to describe both the physiological and symbolic behavior & personality of Lyme within the human body.

To me, Satya is not only a herbalist, she is an intuitive health mentor who chooses to place emphasis on remembering one’s own inner healer, thus reminding us all to listen closely to the wisdom of our bodies & empowering those who seek her support & knowledge. She is also a natural storyteller and storytellers know intuitively how to weave and work with symbols, to interpret & convey their messages. Satya was able to speak about Lyme disease as an entity with its own personality, bringing to my relationship with it a much deeper meaning and understanding.

I felt as if Satya had handed to me a gift which continued to speak to me, long after I had left her presence.

I also enjoyed the botanical journey we embarked upon when discussing remedies for Lyme. When Satya mentions their names, one senses the love and the intimate relationship she has developed with each plant. Satya clearly looks upon all plants, not only as healers but also as great teachers & allies.

I hold within my heart immense Gratitude for the guidance & series of events that lead us to One another!” -Kalhan

Flower Essence Consultation

More information coming soon...

Calendula Officinalis.

Herbal Education, Plant Spirit Medicine, & Medicine Making Workshops

Additional Herbalism Offerings

Herbal Tea with Chamomile.
Tea leaves
Black and white potion jars with magic liquids. Old corked bottles and vial of poison, elixir, mixtures and herbal tincture. Monochrome vector illustration isolated on white background
herb mortar

Custom Therapeutic Herbal Formulas

tea - tincture - essence - infused oil - steam - salve- body butters

Intentional Tea Blends

Decorative Branches Frame Illustration
Hand Drawn Hummingbird
Rustic Horoscope Eye

Wisd m


Wisdom Keepers was birthed through deep, intentional, living relationships with plants. It is slow, mystical, heart-filled medicine.

They are shared from a space of reverence and wider-vision...

May you feel the sacredness of the Wisdom Keeper within as you cultivate your own unique relationship with these plant spirits.

Flower Essences

A flower essence is a vibrational medicine made by floating flowers on the surface of water. Through the alchemical power of the sun and intention, the vibrational imprint of the flower is infused into the water and preserved in alcohol. Flower essences contain no physical plant constituents. Instead, when we work with an essence we invite the spirit of the plant, contained in the plant’s unique energetic blueprint, to interact with our spirit and our unique energetic blueprint. Essences are highly dilute, subtle medicines. In this way, an essence can travel into spaces of ourselves that other remedies may not be able to reach.

Flower Essence theory understands that we as individuals, exist on many levels. Imbalances in our physical and emotional bodies are understood to occur, in part, because of a disconnection with our innate selves or spirits. Flower essences can help us release these blockages (limiting stories, perspectives, patterns, etc.) to fulfill greater states of harmony and joyful purpose. Flower essences are made when a flower is at the height of its bloom. This is because the plant has reached its destiny. It has fulfilled its life path, achieved the culmination of its potential, and is now ready to give back to the world through its creation (pollen, fruit, & seeds). In this way, flower essences can help us achieve the bloom of our lifetime.

The plants are wisdom keepers… our most ancient kindred, our most revered teachers, healers, and allies. They so willingly share their medicine with us to assist us in our own evolution and return to remembrance. It is with deep gratitude and humility that we get to be in relationship with these beings.

How do I work with my essence?

Enjoy 2-4 drops whenever the soul calls

directly on tongue // sip with water // anoint yourself// add to a bath // place on accupressure points // offer to the Earth in prayer

Note: Consistency throughout the day, rather than the amount of drops taken at once, is reccomended for best results in Flower Essence Therapy.

"These plant offerings from Satya are a true expression of the essence of purity and light. Satya is a clear channel for the vibration and messages of our plant teachers and friends, and because of this, each of the offerings in this line are potent and pure. It has been such a gift to my life to bring these medicines into my personal ceremonies as well as those that I offer to my community. I offer somatic trauma integration sessions and these allies have absolutely transformed the depth of what can be alchemized and healed for my clients. I feel honored to offer these heart-led medicines in Colorado and I look forward to seeing what other plants ask to be channeled through Satya and into her offerings. If you’ve never worked with flower essences, the Wisdom Keepers are a great place to begin! Likewise, if you have already established a relationship with these plant teachers, a few drops of the essences will bring forth the deep wisdom of their medicine. Thank you, Satya, for following your truth and allowing these plants to move you!" -Tierra Lynn

The Wisdom Keepers


Rose flower

Are you ready to embrace your open-heart? Full-heart? Soft-heart? To let this world touch you. To touch the world in return. To open your petals, share your essence. To meet your true heart. The eternal heart that can never be broken. The part of you that is infinite and can never be made finite. Are you ready to embrace your strong-heart? Steady-heart? Clear-heart? To reside in the integrity of this space. To build thorns not as walls to keep the world out, but as pillars of your worth. To discern what you allow to enter the sacred space of your heart and what has no right to dim its light. It is time to remember, dear one. To remember who you are. A sweet child of this Earth… pure, connected, ever flowing love.

+ Essence of rose flower (Rosa) with spring water and cane alcohol (100% gluten free)


Mimosa Pudica or Sensitive Plant

Sweet child, allow me to hold your hand. Allow me to open your heart, to open your eyes, to open you to life. What beauty the grief in your heart is. What joy the gift of this life is. There is so much magic in your feeling. So much beauty in the depth of your being, the depth of your clear-seeing. Beauty in the the whole spectrum of this being. Heavy and light, dark and bright, they only unite. Sweet child, sing the song of your heart. Dance the dance of this life. Open, open, open. Drink the sweet nectar of this life in. See the wholeness in this wholiness that is you, me, and everything. Take a deep breath now and hear me when I say, you are alive. You are alive, and you belong. You are alive, and you belong.

You are alive, and you belong.

+ Essence of bobinsana flower (Calliandra angustifolia) with spring water and cane alcohol (100% gluten free)


intricate floral design

Trust and surrender.

A note about this medicine...

I invite you to approach Grandmother Ayahuasca with the utmost respect and reverence. Be clear and humble in your intention to work with her and know that the potential to create a deeply sacred relationship is available, if you so choose. Although this vibrational remedy contains no plant constituents, Ayahuasca’s spirit is very much present. The fierce wisdom and the storied presence of her blossoms contained in this essence are a perfectly safe way to invoke and learn from this potent teacher.

+ Essence of ayahuasca flower (Banisteriopsis caapi) with spring water and cane alcohol (100% gluten free)

Made with love in Tzununa, Guatemala

Made with love in Tzununa, Guatemala

Made with love in Tzununa, Guatemala

Small Inflorescence of Jasminum Officinale
Cactus Line Art


Tobacco Plant Vintage Illustration

An ally for the sensitive soul, I am here to assist you in your return to remembrance. To remind you of the power in your softness. The beauty of your earth-bound spirit. Sweet child, do not numb yourself to this world. You must feel. You must feel to remember. Your feeling is your way back. Your way back to a more connected way of life. To a prayerFULL way of life. To a life that is in harmony with all of Earth’s beings, in union and in service to Great Spirit. I ask you to clear the noise. Listen more deeply. Guide your head down from the clouds. Root your feet in the soil. Take a deep breath into your heart. It is here, where you are connected to the sustenance of life. Here, where you will find deep seated peace. Here, where you will find yourself woven into this interconnected tapestry of life. Here, where all of you is welcome.

Andean Pink Jasmine



Gracias por su medicina.

Medicina de la luz. Medicine del corazon. Medicina del alma. Medicina del padre. Medicina de la madre, de los ninos y la natureleza.

Muchas gracias.

Inviting in

A settling. A dissipation of fogginess. An unfurling of presence.

A calm, centered, connected awareness

Crystalline Clarity

In body, mind, and heart

Our Lives,

Expansive and Interwoven

With the tapestry of the universe.


Flor de los ángeles, Flor de las estrellas, Flor de la belleza, la armonía

y la gracia.

Gracias, medicina.

Asking us to invite peace, love, acceptance, and grace into our hearts

For ourselves, first


Then, for all of our relations.

The resonance of the heart and lungs,

open and warm

Releasing greif, facilitating forgivness

Inviting us to walk the Beauty Way.

+ Essence of Pink Jasmine flower (Jasminum polyanthum) with spring water and cane alcohol

(100% gluten free)

+ Essence of Huachuma Flower (Echinopsis pachanoi) with spring water and cane alcohol

(100% gluten free)

+ Essence of tobacco flower (Nicotiana tabacum) with spring water and cane alcohol (100% gluten free)

Made with love in the Sacred Valley, Peru

Made with love in the Sacred Valley, Peru

Rosemary Branches and Leaves Isolated


+ Essence of Rosemary Flower (Rosmarinus officinalis) with spring water and cane alcohol

(100% gluten free)

Made with love in the Sacred Valley, Peru

Made with love in Tzununa, Guatemala

Rosemary emerges as a warm, loving, ancient Grandmother… a long lineage of memory and wisdom cascade around her. She gazes upon you with such gentleness and compassionate knowing. She understands what it is to be a soul inside of a body. “You are not alone,” she whispers as the Ancestors dance behind her. Embracing you softly, as if to rock a child to sleep, she opens your vision to show you: within the tear that rolls down your cheek is memory that knows no bounds. She invites you to remember that you do not walk this path alone. When you ask for support, a web of life so much wider than the body you reside in opens up to you. You are a heart inside of a heart inside of a heart… a never ending thread of support is animating your life. Can you feel our presence?




Other Available Essences:

Australian plant eucalyptus

All made in the Sacred Valley, Peru

Custom formulations available upon request

-Reminds us to breathe deeply and release

-Encourages stillness from within

-Restores a sense of tranquility to the heart and lung centers

-Encourages balance: To both be firmly rooted & gracefully sway in the winds of life

Daisy flower drawing. Chamomile botanical sketch

-For the easilly upset individual with ever-flucuating moods and emotional tension

-For the inner child who needs nurturing but may not undertand what it is they want or need

-Brings emotional balance, serenity, and contentment

-Foster a sunny disposistion towards life

Cosmos Flower Illustration

-Connecting to child-like joy

-Bringing creativity, ideas, and inspirations down from the cosmos to the earthly plane

-Integrates your consciousness with your speech; allowing the many parts to speak as one whole

-Allowing your true spirit to flow forth in all expressions

Agua De Florida

Cleansing plant spirit water

lovingly crafted over many moons in The Sacred Valley of Peru


Hampi Rose (white and pink), Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Palo Santo, Arrayán, Molle, Eucalyptus, Cypress, Pine, Canela Andina, Uña de Gato, Cleavers, Cane Alcohol, and love.


Hand Drawn Hummingbird

organic ~ garden grown & intentionally wildcrafted ~

~only whole-plant-extracts~

~no added essential oils or perfumes~

From my heart to yours

Основные Moon Phases with Plants

Plant Ally Connection

Основные Moon Phases with Plants

In this guided journey, you are invited to open a portal of connection to meet the plant/s who are here and ready to support you in this phase of your life. Through different avenues of somatic experiencing, discussion, and a guided meditation, you will be invited to step into the dreamtime where a plant spirit may be awaiting you.

In the dreamtime, plants communicate in ways that may at first appear mysterious to us humans. They may communicate through imagery, symbolism, metaphor, a feeling-state, sound, smell, taste, or memory. I encourage you to release all attachment or expectation of what may arise, and simply be open to the healing that can be received by saying “YES” and stepping through this gateway.

Plants need to know that we are ready to welcome them in. This journey is one way to leave an energetic offering that says, “I am here. I am listening. I am ready to invite you into my life. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for your patience. Please help me recognize when you are reaching out to me.”

Sometimes, a plant reveals its name or it shows itself to you and we can use that image to identify it and determine how it is wishing to support you (A tea, flower essence, tincture, or ritual may be invited). If this does not occur in our time together, it does not mean that you did anything “wrong” or that a plant is not there for you. It simply means that this encounter will occur outside the time-frame of our session. Once you have opened this portal, if you choose to allow it to remain open, you will see the magic of nature come alive all around you.

Please allow 2 hours for this journey. Online from anywhere in the world, or in-person in the Sacred Valley, Peru.

Sliding Scale Pricing: $75-150 (280-550sol)

Lavender Flowers in the Field

Satya's reverence for nature and intimate connection to plants is what called me to receive a plant ally session with her. Her wisdom for both the science and spirit of plants is enchanting. Each step of the way, Satya's gentle spirit and grounded presence created a sense of safety and helped build a special container for this experience. Prior to our first meeting, she shared music, guided meditations, and journal prompts to encourage me to get intentional about this journey. Satya and I connected over video for our session, and although we were thousands of miles away, it felt like we were in the same room, sitting in ceremony. Throughout our session, Satya encouraged me to step into my own wisdom and inherent connection with nature. She helped me realize that nature speaks in a whisper, and in order to really hear its message, I needed to soften. With her support and guidance, I felt free to allow what needed to be communicated to come through. What I appreciated about this session was that it did not end when the call was over. Satya instilled within me a sense of inherent connection and reciprocity to nature and plants that will be with me always. I could not recommend this experience enough.” -Abby Judd

Cocoa Fruits and Leafs

Cacao Ceremony

with Satya Majors & EJ Kidd

cacao beans

It is said that Mama Cacao comes to us from the jungle to teach us to live in harmony with the Earth and all of our relations. She comes not in vain, but in love. She helps us remember what it means to reside in the space of the heart… to remember who we are and why we are here at this time.

Ceremonial Cacao is chocolate in its rawest form. The spirit of the plant is left fully-intact. It has not been added to, refined, or made to be anything that it is not. In this same way, Cacao can help us return to this pure, un-touched core of who we are, before all the stories or layers of conditioning.

When worked with intentionally, this beautiful plant spirit invites us on a deep sensorial, meditative journey. In ceremony, we hold a sacred space for you to commune with this medicine and allow what needs to flow through you. Every ceremony is tailored to your individual or group needs, but often include: A grounding meditation, calling-in the medicine, sharing and drinking the medicine, live music and sound healing, a gentle movement journey, creative expression, a guided shamanic journey, and a closing ceremony with optional heart-shares.

The addition of a flower essence of your choosing is welcome. We love rose and cacao together!

Please reach out directly to inquire about pricing and venues.

Disclosure about Cacao: Sacred ceremonial cacao is prepared in such a way that the properties of it alone increases blood flow to the brain by 30-40%, and the actual oxygen in the blood is also increased by 20%. Along with this, the spirit of the plant, and the meditations and healings offered in this ceremony, you can greatly expand the energy of the heart center for deeper awareness, healing, joy and creativity. We ask that if you have high blood pressure, heart issues, are allergic to chocolate, are pregnant, are prone to severe anxiety or are on antidepressant or any other medication that you do not consume the full amount of cacao served in these ceremonies. We require you to let us know in advance of a ceremony of any conditions you have.

Private group or individual Yoga Journey

A deeply intentional, guided journey with the assistance of a plant spirit ally or flower essence of your choosing.

This is more than yoga… this is a ceremony that utilizes yoga as a medium for transformation.

This experience is slow, mindful, and accessible for people of all abilities.

Melt into this sacred container and witness what unfolds.

Live music and sound healing by my beautiful partner, EJ, is available to enhance the journey.

Please reach out directly to inquire about pricing and venues.

Journeys are available in-person in the Sacred Valley, Peru only.

1:1 Therapeutic Yoga

1:1 individualized support to help you reach your unique healing goals through the embodied practices of yoga, meditation, breath, and inner exploration.

Please follow this link to learn more about my personal philosophy around yoga therapy and feel into whether this offering could support you:


Sliding Scale Pricing & Packages available.

Online from anywhere in the world or in-person in The Sacred Valley, Peru.

I am a 500hr trauma-informed RYT

"Sometimes a plant will stand up in the forest and call your name. You have felt its calling, echoing from the forests at the perimeters of the world and into your heart.

Leaving behind the hardened concrete shell of the world, you entered the wild territory of the Earth; through deserts of expansive, starry nights and the carved bark of ancient forests, to the peaks of snowcapped mountains and the depths of the fertile valleys.

The plant path is one we tread both outside in the landscapes of the Earth and within the inner forest of our being. When they come together, we are initiated at the hand of Nature."

-Sajah Popham, The Evolutionary School of Herbalism; a cherished teacher on my plant path

I look forward to connecting with you!

Please reach out directly with any inquiries.

Wildflowers and herbs.
Decorative Branches Frame Illustration
Hand Drawn Hummingbird



Rustic Horoscope Eye

WhatsApp only: +1 (303) 898-7168


Instagram: satya_majors

Wildflowers and herbs.